Tuesday, October 19, 2010

i want.

bangs again.

somebody stop me.


Breanne King said...

i thought you were going to say you wanted a puppy...that was my first thought when i saw the first picture!

Rachel Hagen said...

Oooh, I just got some again this weekend. What was I thinking. As a mom who (sadly) does my hair once a week, clearly I regret it. I can just never pull them off. But you can. Rock them.

Shauna B. said...

Ha ha! I am the same way with bangs. I think they look so cute, but on me? Not so much. Still, every few years I try again, and then spend the next 6 months growing them out. Miss you!

J & J said...

you hate them every time. don't do it. or you will be sad and then i'll have to hear about it. you and rachel have a complex, i swear.

Whitney B. said...

I had bangs for years! I like to get them when I want to do a little change to my hair not a HUGE change! :) I was hoping to get some this past weekend actually, but didn't have time to make an appointment! I have the exact same picture of Reese Witherspoon on my phone to show the hair dresser HAHA ;)