Thursday, June 16, 2011

porch makeover

so remember how i told you i was going to make pillows out of glue and a yarn wreath last weekend? well, i made them and they turned out great and were both easy projects!

this is the finished product..

a little backwards but this is what our porch used to look like..

i posted the tutorial for my diy hot glue pillows {pretty proud i made up the directions as i went along} and the yearn wreath on pojo. get it here.

i think that i will be making more pillows from hot glue, considering i can't sew...


tara said...

It looks so cute! The pillows are great!!

Morgan said...

Good job liz!

Unknown said...

I love love LOVE all the baby bump picks and the DIY projects. I wish we lived near each other because I am all about re-doing things and decorating. When I was pregnant the whole nesting thing completely consumed me and it was funny to watch myself change. I became overly anal about organization and storage and I never used to be so clean :). I am so excited for you to have your baby. You are going to love being a is seriously so satisfying. I love my baby bjorn but I've never used the ergo so I don't know which is better. I just know that Channing loves to face out and only faces in if he's sleeping. I also have a "sleepy wrap" which is like a moby wrap and I use a lot for airplane travel and going to the movies...he tends to stay asleep longer in it and be more comfortable. Good luck with everything!