Monday, July 11, 2011

32 weeks.

last friday hit my 32 week mark. as of today, 7 weeks 4 days left to go.

i can't get enough of homemade {ones from mexican restaurants} tortilla chips with extra salt, lime and salsa and i could eat fruit all day.

i know our blog has turned into a pregnancy blog. the reason? not much else is going on in the jones' household. what have we been up to?
- i am busy teaching classes & personal training
- i have been doing projects for the nursery and around the house organizing
- if i am not working or doing a project, then you will most likely find me at the pool reading a book.
- rob is busy studying for the dat all day every day. he takes the dat in 2 weeks. this is a big deal. he is a smart cookie.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

he's taking the dat huh? I thought he was dong a masters. Well we've been there done that, so good luck to him :) let us know if you guys have any questions when applying to dental schools...etc.