Sunday, September 4, 2011

the princess is here!

Elle Posey Jones
Born August 24th
6 lbs 14 oz , 20 inches

She is the best baby. We landed an 8 day stay in the NICU because she had low oxygen saturation levels but she is now recovered and doing fantastic. We got to take her home on Thursday and things have been great.
{I was at the hospital 24/7 when she was in the NICU, hence the lack of blogging}.

We love her so much and she is perfection.

I am behind on blogging, and I know this the exact same post I did on my pojo blog. Most of yall are facebook friends so you see lots of pictures of Elle. This week I will post more pictures and give more details of how Elle came into the world, our NICU visit and life with Elle.

But for now, here are a few pictures of our perfect, beautiful baby girl...

{droid pictures.. probably should have edited them}

we are proud parents.. can't you tell?


J & J said...

you look awesome. elle is perfect. i miss you. meow.

Jennifer Sharpe said...

Congrats! She's beautiful! And you look great already! Love her name!

Owsley Family said...

She is so sweet! Hope we get to meet her soon.

Nate and Jamie said...

She is so beautiful and so tiny! I love her already!

Lisa said...

Liz!!! Elle is perfect, and you look as amazing as always. So excited for you and Rob!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on you sweet baby girl!!! My name is Ashley and my sister and I are the owners of LaborLooks (I see that you are wearing the CARA gown!!) You look so wonderful in it... we were wondering if we could use your photo for our blog and/or on our laborlooks facebook page. Just wanted to check with you. If you get a second (I know, probably not too much extra time right now!) could you send me an email and let me know if this is okay! We hope you enjoyed it and congrats!

shayne said...

PLEASE tell me how you did her hat!