Tuesday, February 28, 2012

nana's house

my dad's birthday is on leap year and this year he will be 16. my mom threw him a surprise sweet 16 party on saturday night and we came down for the weekend. here are a few pictures from our fun weekend...

grandaddy & elle. little posey was a little unsure of all the people at the party. hence the kind of scared look on her face.
elle loves to hold cups. she is so big sitting in her bumbo holding a cup. this was my thousandth attempt at giving her cereal on sunday night. she HATES the cereal and will not take a spoon. maybe she just isn't ready...
my mom has a walker from my niece and nephew that was in the basement. she got it out and elle has been loving sitting in it. she is still a little small for it because her toes barely touch. she stays on her tip toes if she moves.

having fun with nana and the mirror {mirrors are her new favorite thing to look at, she loves to see herself and then try to touch her face in the mirror}. i am the crazy mom who takes a million pictures while she is staring at me.
can't get enough of this little one!

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