Monday, March 5, 2012

march thus far.

so far march has been a great one for us. this week i broke out the bob jogging stroller for the first time and elle loved it, we have gone on a few walks on the nice warm days, went to dinner with friends and elle was on her best behavior, we went to see daddy at school a few times which is always fun but i stick out like a sore thumb with a baby on campus {unlike byu}, elle, like always, has been super smiley, talks in her own little voice {she lately likes to talk really loud when we are in the grocery store}, she is close to crawling and being able to sit up on her own, she still doesn't like baby food and she still laughs and giggles at us which makes us feel like stellar parents. so i guess you can say elle rules our world and she makes everyday a better one.

here is a recap of our week in photos...


khill said...

Elle is so stylish. I love all her outfits; way to go!

Jessie and Taylor Miller said...

i have that gap hoodie too and so does katie! ha! we must all think alike!
p.s. elles red pants with big bows are AMAZING!